90th Annual Omak Stampede
August 8-11, 2025
Upcoming August 8-11, 2025 will commends the 91st Yearly Omak Stampede 2025! We would like you to go along with us for a few days of western diversion that will be perhaps of your fondest memory. From the Thursday morning ride-in to the Sunday running of the Widely popular Self destruction Race, you will partake in an activity stuffed end of the week to incorporate Davis Shows Festival, Wrangler Children Night, Indian Settlement and Pow Goodness, Western and Local Craftsmanship Show, Rodeo Moves and Merchant Line, Omak Rush “Organization Store”. Too, Omak Stampede 2025 Charge keeps on supporting the Intense Enough to Wear Pink Mission.
The upcoming 91st Annual Omak Stampede 2025, August 8-11, 2025. “Always the 2nd Weekend in August.” In 1933 the rodeo stampede that turned into the Omak Rush was only a fantasy of two Okanogan Region stockmen, Leo Moomaw and Tim Bernard, who had begun a rodeo string in 1932. They moved toward Omak’s money managers, who were anxious to have a go at anything to keep the Central avenue of Omak occupied.

With the exception of wellbeing estimates that have been added, the race is run today as it was in 1935 “no limits” on a course that begins 50 feet from a sandy feign across the Okanogan Stream from the Charge field. Ponies and riders race 225 feet down the feign to the waterway, swim or swim across and run 500 yards to the end goal in the focal point of the Rush field.
Supported by the Colville Confederated Clans, the yearly Indian Place to stay and Pow Wow held at the Omak Rush Grounds is a conventional social event. The Indian Settlement includes a valid teepee town, moving, drumming and singing rivalries and stick games – a Local American shot in the dark.